November Artist of the Month "Inhale", watercolor by Nan Daly

October Artist of the Month "Wrensday", oil on canvas by Judith Robichaud

September Artist of the Month "Walking Through" by Brian Reddy Ink brush, pen, and color pencil

June Artist of the Month "I’ll Always Be by Your Side" oil by Ellen Little

May artist of the Month "Spring Flowers" acrylic on panel by Leslie Bowen

April Artist of the Month "After the Storm", oil painting by Joan Twining

December Artist of the Month "Midsummer" Oil by Yelena Nelipa
The Dedham Art Association is committed to making art accessible to all.
We enrich communities with art for the public and provide a community of art for our members. Dedham Art Association has a long history of over 30 years as a non-profit in the local area. Our members are artists of all experience levels and
non-artists who appreciate art.
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Artist of the Month
Thank you to our generous Sponsors and Contributors!
This program is supported in part by a grant from the Dedham Cultural Council, a local agency which is supported by the Mass Cultural Council, a state agency.